Saturday, September 13, 2008

Statement by John McCain on Venezuela

I like John McCain' Statement :
"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's authoritarian regime represses its people and is attempting to buy support in Bolivia and elsewhere. The threat posed by Chavez extends beyond his borders. He stands credibly accused of aiding terrorists trying to subvert a democratic neighbor in Colombia.
I am afraid that if Obama win he will forget about Chavez, like the actual OAS - Organization of American States.
Venezuelan that will vote in this American Elections

For Immediate Release
Contact: Press Office
Friday, September 12, 2008
ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, U.S. Senator John McCain delivered the following statement on Venezuela and Ambassador Duddy's expulsion by the Venezuelan government:

"I am deeply disappointed by the decision of Venezuela 's government to expel U.S. Ambassador Duddy. This diplomatic escalation, which follows Bolivia 's expulsion of the American ambassador there, reminds us anew of the dangerous trends in our own hemisphere.

"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's authoritarian regime represses its people and is attempting to buy support in Bolivia and elsewhere. The threat posed by Chavez extends beyond his borders. He stands credibly accused of aiding terrorists trying to subvert a democratic neighbor in Colombia . Senior Venezuelan military and intelligence officials have been named as supporters of narco-terrorist activities. Russian strategic bombers recently landed in Venezuela . Joint Russian-Venezuelan naval exercises in the Caribbean have been announced. Russia has provided Chavez with over 100,000 AK-47 assault rifles with a factory to build more. Venezuela 's arms build-up -- which reportedly includes Russian-supplied combat helicopters, advanced SU-30 fighter-bombers, and other weapons systems, is unjustified by any realistic external threat.

" America 's continued dependence on imports of foreign oil from countries like Venezuela demonstrates the need to expand drilling for our own domestic sources of energy. Senator Obama opposes this critical step to lessen our dependence on imported oil from dictators like Hugo Chavez -- at a time when Chavez is threatening to cut off oil exports to the U.S.
"I have worked with America 's allies in order to strengthen our relationships in this crucial region, one to which so many American citizens have deep economic, family and cultural ties. And I have worked to isolate and weaken the forces that threaten freedom and prosperity in Latin America .

"In contrast, Senator Obama calls for meeting directly and unconditionally with the region's worst tyrants. Though Senator Obama has never been to Latin America, rather than focus on strengthening America 's ties with friends and allies, he has pledged to sit down with dictators in Venezuela and Cuba in the first year of his presidency. Such a course of action would undermine our democratic allies and embolden anti-American dictators. The United States , and our partners throughout Latin America , cannot afford Senator Obama's brand of unilateralism that rewards Hugo Chavez and his dangerous despotism."

For Immediate Release
September 12, 2008 Contact: Oficina de Prensa
ARLINGTON, VA -- El senador John McCain hizo hoy las siguientes declaraciones sobre Venezuela y la expulsión del embajador Duddy por el gobierno venezolano:

“Estoy sumamente decepcionado por la decisión del gobierno venezolano de expulsar al embajador estadounidense Duddy. Esta escalada en conflictos diplomáticos, precedida por la expulsión del embajador estadounidense de Bolivia, nuevamente nos recuerda que existen peligrosas tendencias en nuestro propio hemisferio.

“El régimen autoritario del Presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, reprime a su pueblo y está intentando comprar apoyo en Bolivia y en otros países. La amenaza que representa Chávez se extiende más allá de sus fronteras. Se le acusa, con argumentos convincentes, de ayudar a terroristas que procuran desestabilizar a Colombia, un país democrático vecino. Oficiales de alto rango del Ejército y de los servicios de inteligencia de Venezuela han sido acusados de apoyar actividades narcoterroristas. Bombarderos estratégicos rusos han aterrizado recientemente en Venezuela. Se han anunciado ejercicios navales conjuntos entre Rusia y Venezuela. Rusia le ha proporcionado a Chávez más de 100,000 rifles de asalto AK-47, con una planta para fabricar más. La escalada armamentista de Venezuela, que según informes incluye helicópteros de combate proporcionados por los rusos, aviones bombarderos avanzados SU-30 y otros sistemas de armamento, no se justifica con ninguna amenaza externa realista.

“La continua dependencia de Estados Unidos de las importaciones de petróleo extranjero proveniente de países como Venezuela demuestra la necesidad de expandir nuestras propias fuentes internas de energía. El senador Obama se opone a este paso crucial para disminuir nuestra dependencia de petróleo importado de dictadores como Hugo Chávez, en momentos en que Chávez está amenazando con cancelar todas las exportaciones de petróleo a Estados Unidos.

“He trabajado con los aliados de Estados Unidos a fin de fortalecer nuestras relaciones en esta importante región, con la cual tantos ciudadanos estadounidenses tienen vínculos económicos, familiares y culturales. Y he procurado aislar y debilitar las fuerzas que amenazan la libertad y prosperidad en América Latina.

Por el contrario, el senador Obama hace un llamado a reunirse directa e incondicionalmente con uno de los peores tiranos de la región. Como el senador Obama nunca ha visitado América Latina, en lugar de enfocarse en fortalecer los vínculos con los amigos y aliados de Estados Unidos, ha prometido que se sentará con los dictadores de Venezuela y Cuba durante el primer año de su presidencia. Una acción así afectaría a nuestros aliados democráticos y envalentonaría a los dictadores anti-estadounidenses. Estados Unidos y nuestros aliados en toda América Latina, no pueden darse el lujo del unilateralismo propuesto por el senador Obama, que premia a Hugo Chávez y su peligroso despotismo”.

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Treasure Targets Venezuelan - Washington DC

The US government is doing the right thing here. These Venezuelans were helping FARC that is a Colombian terrorist group. Actually where are the OAS - Organization of American States? Why they NEVER say something important, on favor of Justice, Human Rights violations, corruption, narcotraffics, etc. Sad.........
vdebate reporter
Treasury Targets Venezuelan Government Officials Supporting the FARC
Washington, DC
The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of ForeignAssets Control (OFAC) today designated two senior Venezuelan governmentofficials, Hugo Armando Carvajal Barrios and Henry de Jesus Rangel Silva, andone former official, Ramon Rodriguez Chacin, for materially assisting thenarcotics trafficking activities of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia(FARC), a narco-terrorist organization.
"Today's designation exposes two senior Venezuelan government officials and one former official who armed, abetted, and funded the FARC, even as itterrorized and kidnapped innocents," said Adam J. Szubin, Director of OFAC."
This is OFAC's sixth action in the last ten months against the FARC.
We will continue to target and isolate those individuals and entities that aid the FARC's deadly narco-terrorist activities in the Americas."
Hugo Armando Carvajal Barrios is the Director of Venezuela's MilitaryIntelligence Directorate (DGIM). His assistance to the FARC includes protecting drug shipments from seizure by Venezuelan anti-narcotics authorities and providing weapons to the FARC, allowing them to maintain their strong hold of the coveted Arauca Department.
Arauca, which is located on theColombia/Venezuela border, is known for coca cultivation and cocaine production.
Carvajal Barrios also provides the FARC with official Venezuelan government identification documents that allow FARC members to travel to and from Venezuela with ease.
Henry de Jesus Rangel Silva, the Director of Venezuela's Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services or DISIP, is in charge of intelligence and counter intelligence activities for the Venezuelan government.
Rangel Silva has materially assisted the narcotics trafficking activities of the FARC. He has also pushed for greater cooperation between the Venezuelan government and theFARC.
Ramon Emilio Rodriguez Chacin, who was Venezuela's Minister of Interior andJustice until September 8, is the Venezuelan government's main weapons contact for the FARC. The FARC uses its proceeds from narcotics sales to purchase weapons from the Venezuelan government. Rodriguez Chacin has held numerous meetings with senior FARC members, one of which occurred atthe Venezuelan government's Miraflores Palace in late 2007.
Rodriguez Chacin has also assisted the FARC by trying to facilitate a $250 million dollar loan from the Venezuelan government to the FARC in late 2007.
We cannot confirmwhether the loan materialized.
On May 29, 2003, President George W. Bush identified the FARC as a significant foreign narcotics trafficker, or drug kingpin, pursuant to the KingpinAct.
In 2001, the State Department designated the FARC as a SpeciallyDesignated Global Terrorist pursuant to Executive Order 13224, and in 1997 asa Foreign Terrorist Organization.
This OFAC action continues ongoing efforts under the Kingpin Act to apply financial measures against significant foreign narcotics traffickers and their organizations worldwide.
In addition to the 75 drug kingpins that have been designated by the President, 460 businesses and individuals have been designated pursuant to the Kingpin Act since June 2000.
Today's action freezes any assets the designated entities and individuals may have under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibits U.S. persons from conducting financial or commercial transactions involving those assets.
Penalties for violations ofthe Kingpin Act range from civil penalties of up to $1,075,000 per violation tomore severe criminal penalties.
Criminal penalties for corporate officers mayinclude up to 30 years in prison and fines of up to $5,000,000. Criminal fines forcorporations may reach $10,000,000.
Other individuals face up to 10 years inprison for criminal violations of the Kingpin Act and fines pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code.For a complete list of the individuals and entities designated today, please visit:
To view previous OFAC actions directed against the FARC, please visit:
Treasury Action against the FARC on July 31, 2008
(link:http://www.treas/.gov/press/ releases/ hp1096.htm)
Treasury Action against the FARC on May 7, 2008
(link:http://www.treas/. gov/press/ releases/ hp966.htm)
Treasury Action against the FARC on April 22, 2008
(link:http://www.treas/. gov/press/ releases/ hp938.htm)
Treasury Action against the FARC on January 15, 2008
(link:http://www.treas/. gov/press/ releases/ hp762.htm)
Treasury Action against the FARC on November 1, 2007
(link:http://www.treas/. gov/press/ releases/ hp661.htm)
Treasury Action against the FARC on September 28, 2006
(link:http://www.treas/. gov/press/ releases/ hp119.htm)
Treasury Action against the FARC on February 19, 2004
(link:http://www.ustreas/. gov/press/ releases/ js1181.htm)

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