Friday, February 27, 2009

What's So Bad About Socialism, Anyway?

These liberals and socialists are full of crap!

What's So Bad About Socialism, Anyway?
Just like they don't really know what the Che T-shirt means, Generation O doesn't really care if you call them — or their new president — socialist. They want answers beyond the message.
Stephen Marche

Roland Barthes, the French theorist and semiotician, once wrote that sex is everywhere in America, except in sex. For the past 40 years, the same has been true for socialism, which has been simultaneously nowhere and everywhere in America, falsely denied by its politics and falsely claimed by its popular culture. As the federal government puts the finishing touches on its plan to effectively nationalize America's banking system, Steven Soderbergh's four-and-a-half-hour epic Che is opening in select theaters, and its hero could have scarcely imagined that it would be America's first M.B.A. president who would oversee the proletariat's glorious march to the workers' control of the means of production. Alan Greenspan, meanwhile, the prophet of capitalism, has traded his coat of many colors for Job's sackcloth and ashes ("I found a flaw in the model that I perceived is the critical functioning structure that defines how the world works"), and though Obama spent the month of October denying that he is a socialist, his inauguration is upon us and the point is moot. Socialism, real, perceived, or simply misunderstood, has exploded into prominence, and Americans are scrambling to make sense of it in this new age of Obama.

Since the '60s, the Hollywood Left has preferred its socialism vague and mushy — a feel-good unattainable ideal, preferably starring Warren Beatty — rather than a system of government that can actually be put into practice (as it is in Europe). And though Soderbergh has made a movie that even Castro likes — El Jefe approved it for screening at the Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana — Che will hopefully cause people to ask themselves whose face they're wearing. If you believe in the freedom of the press, the right to belong to a political party of your choice, the due process of law, and/or private property, then Che Guevara was a monster, plain and simple. But even with that knowledge, it's unlikely that Johnny Depp will get rid of his Che medallion. And it's unlikely that all the pseudo-hipsters who buy their Che T-shirts at Urban Outfitters will stop wearing them. No. These T-shirts send a message, which effectively boils down to this: I have vague left-wing sympathies but don't read history. I am educated enough to want nonconformity but not intelligent enough to avoid conformity. I believe in supporting the wretched of the earth but happily purchase products from multinational corporations.

It's all part of a long history of reducing the genuine struggles of peoples around the world for social justice to pretty baubles, from Jane Fonda's Radio Hanoi broadcasts to Madonna mugging in guerrilla gear to TV personality Tim Vincent wearing a hammer-and-sickle shirt on Access Hollywood. In 2007, Cameron Diaz carried a Maoist messenger bag while sightseeing in Peru and was forced to apologize — 70,000 Peruvians were murdered by the Maoist Shining Path in the '80s and '90s. At least with Che chic, the idiocy is dreamy and romantic and you can pretend that wearing his face is all about being young, riding motorcycles, and having South American-level sex; Mao was responsible for the death of 60 million people — he makes Hitler look like an amateur.

Cameron Diaz is not, of course, a communist. She's a ditz — that's her ideology. Her Mao bag was tasteless, not evil. And she's far from alone in her tastelessness. The coolest literary bar in New York is KGB in the East Village — the 92nd Street Y for young writers — and it's full of Soviet propaganda. In Toronto, I was once in a bar called Pravda that had, alongside Lenin and Che, a picture of Felix Dzerzhinsky on the wall: He founded the Cheka, Lenin's secret police, and described his own job as "organized terror." There are communist-chic bars and restaurants in Melbourne, Australia, and Singapore, too, and the trend has recently returned to its birthplace. In Berlin, the hotel Ostel re-creates, in minute detail, the experience of living under Soviet rule in the GDR. You check in at "Border Control." Images of party leaders stare down from the walls like the Big Brothers of yore, and Ostel even has a roll of GDR-era toilet paper under glass in the lobby. Hilarious. Nothing shows the defeat of tyranny more thoroughly than its reclamation by nostalgia.

And so dead politics return as public dreams, with the same process neutering the kaffiyeh, the cooling head scarf traditionally worn by Palestinian peasants that now warms the necks of trust-fund kids. Here's how this erstwhile symbol of solidarity with the downtrodden became a status totem: Yasir Arafat → sympathetic old-lady professors at Berkeley → their worshipful students → the guys they go to Sam Roberts concerts with → Rachael Ray in a Dunkin' Donuts ad. With each exposure, the political symbol loses meaning. Which is why Che's face isn't appropriate for community organizers anymore; it suits pro poker players at Vegas nightclubs much better.

Obama has promised fresh politics, new in substance, new in style. We'll see. Like FDR and LBJ before him, he has had to reject the title of "socialist." But let's face it: McCain was on to something back in October when he croaked in a radio address, "At least in Europe, the socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are up-front about their objectives." (Obama was busy texting his supporters.) BHO's predecessors cloaked their agendas with camouflage terminology, the "New Deal" and the "Great Society," and Obama may yet find some similarly palatable euphemism for his attempt to strengthen the core of the federal government through massive infrastructure overhaul, universal health care, and, yes, higher taxes and redistribution of wealth. But already the way we perceive and process world events is changing. Shepard Fairey's Obama posters have been the most successful political art in half a century — the grimy, brutalist images reminiscent of nothing so much as the socialist-realist propaganda from World War II and the Spanish civil war, the era when America crushed fascism and built the strongest middle class in the world. What the Fairey posters show is that Generation O is embracing the political aesthetics of their grandparents, and like many of their grandparents, they don't really care what you call them. Socialist, pragmatist, vegetable, mineral: Obama's followers want results, on the financial crisis, the environment, and the war in Iraq. Who has time to watch four-and-a-half-hour movies about dead guerrillas?


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Venezuela: Chavez and His Referendum‏

Venezuela: Chavez and His Referendum
Stratfor Today » February 16, 2009

Venezuelans’ approval of a constitutional referendum eliminating term limits for elected officials Feb. 15 will give Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez additional room to maneuver. With harsh economic realities looming, however, Chavez’s honeymoon is destined to be relatively short.

Venezuelans approved a constitutional referendum to eliminate term limits for elected officials Feb. 15 in a move that will surely give a boost to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The measure passed with over 54 percent of Venezuelans in favor of the measure, and will allow Chavez to run for re-election in 2012. The passage of the constitutional amendment is an enormous boon to Chavez, whose popularity has come under fire and whose grip on the economy is slipping.
The passage of the referendum was by no means certain, with polls leading up to voting day showing wildly skewed results. Indeed, with Venezuelan voters having rejected a similar measure in December 2007, this is a significant upswing in the popularity and support for Chavez. And Chavez will interpret this as an unequivocal renewal of his mandate to carry out his Bolivarian socialist policies. His win ensures that rivalries within his United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) will not plague his administration for the time being, and sets Chavez up as his own successor for the next term beginning in 2013.
The referendum may also have dealt a serious blow to the opposition parties, although it is possible that they will use this defeat as a rallying cry against Chavez. The fact is that while Venezuelan students led a substantial opposition effort ahead of the referendum, the opposition parties did not play a major role. Chavez has marginalized many opposition politicians, even those already in office, such as Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma, who has been barred from entering mayoral facilities by armed civilians who support Chavez. Whether because of internal issues or as a result of Chavez’s actions, the opposition parties have been unable to unite under one effective banner, and this latest boost to Chavez could make it even more difficult for them to do so.
There is no smooth sailing for Chavez, however; his task now is to lead the country through trying times, with an eye on remaining popular enough to win the 2012 election. With the sharp decline in the price of oil in the wake of the U.S. financial crisis, the oil-based economy is set to see a vicious decline in prosperity. Chavez has completely postponed dealing with the problem, as November 2008 state and municipal elections and then this referendum required that he maintain a high level of government spending in order to secure popular support.
Now, with government coffers extremely strained, the administration will have to face a number of hard questions. Assuming the price of oil stays low (Venezuelan heavy, sour crude is averaging under $40 per barrel), the government budget (predicated on an expected oil price of $60 per barrel) will have to sustain deep cuts. There are a number of things that the government can do to trim costs and raise income, including cutting international grant programs like Petrocaribe, or raising the sales tax at home. However, if oil prices remain low, the government will inevitably have to consider reducing social spending, which could include cutting anything from gasoline subsidies to pharmaceutical subsidies.
Many speculate that the government will be forced to devalue the Venezuelan currency in order to deal with the budget shortfalls. This seems increasingly possible, given the Venezuela’s rapidly diminishing cash reserves — the government’s decision to reallocate $12 billion to social spending from the central bank has left the central bank with just $30 billion in reserves. However, if the government goes through with a devaluation, there will be a certain spike in inflation since Venezuela is a net importer of everything from machinery to vehicles to consumer products to food. An inflationary spike will be painful for Venezuelan consumers who experienced the highest inflation in Latin America during 2008 at over 30 percent, and it will be politically costly for Chavez.
How Chavez chooses to act will ultimately depend on how he expects oil prices to go. If he expects prices to rise in the near term, he might choose to postpone harsh measures on hopes that he can bridge the fiscal gap using savings without having to resort to austerity measures. However, if Chavez expects prices to ultimately stay low, he might decide to impose austerity measures relatively quickly so as to get through the painful part, with time to spare before the 2012 election.
With the elimination of his term limits, Chavez will have to balance the harsh economic realities that face his country with the political necessities of his administration. Heavily reliant on social spending for his popularity, Chavez cannot afford the austerity measures that Venezuela’s economic situation would seem to call for. But the passage of the referendum gives Chavez room to maneuver as he seeks to balance these needs

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is a Venezuelan diplomat promoting antisemitism

That is terrible..... He should be kick out of the US.
vdebate reporter
February 18, 2009
Is a Venezuelan diplomat promoting antisemitism?
By Ed Lasky

It appears that a website fanning the flames of antisemitism is registered to a Venezuelan diplomat posted to the United States. Venezuela's beleaguered Jewish community is currently suffering grave persecution under Hugo Chavez, the left wing demagogue now likely to be president-for-life.

Martin Sanchez is the founder of Aporrea.Org and was one of the volunteers that ran the website. . He is also listed as the registrant for the website. The website is hosted in America. The website, supported by the government of Hugo Chavez, is also a promoter of antisemitism.

There is a Martin Sanchez who is now the Consular General of Venezuela in San Francisco. Before that posting, he served in the same capacity in Chicago.

Might this be the same Martin Sanchez who founded Aporrea.Org?

When Aporrea.Org was registered on the internet, the Martin Sanchez who was the registrant for the site was listed as living in Chicago. This time period also coincides with the time that the Consular General in Chicago was listed as being Martin Sanchez.

Could Consul General Sanchez -- an official of the government of Venezuela -- be the man behind a campaign of antisemitism? The government of Hugo Chavez has been widely alleged to have been stoking antisemitism not just in Venezuela but throughout the region. He has been using government-funded media, including websites, to do so.

There is no doubt that Apporea.Org actively promotes antisemitism. The website regularly features anti-Semitic invective and incitement. These are not just in the comments section but are actually in articles published by the site. In fact, promoting antisemitism seems to be one of the goals of the site.

This is part of a pattern of behavior of Hugo Chavez's. Antisemitism has become a very serious problem in Venezuela; it is often stoked by government-funded media outlets, such as Aporrea.Org may be.

A mere sampling of just some of the antisemitism published on the site, as reported by Andrews Oppenheimer of the Miami Herald:

On Jan. 22, a story by Emilio Silva on called for ''publicly denouncing, with their first and last names, members of powerful Jewish groups with a presence in Venezuela.'' It also called for ``publicly demanding that any Jew on any street, commercial center or public square, take a position shouting slogans in support of Palestine and against the abortion-like state of Israel.''

This call to action was recently published on the website after a synagogue was desecrated and the names and addresses of its members stolen:

To publicly challenge every Jew that you find in the street, shopping center or park to take a stand shouting at them slogans in favor of Palestine and against that abortion: Israel."
"Denounce publicly, with names and last names the members of powerful Jewish groups present in Venezuela"
"...capitalist agents as these Zionist Hebrews are the thing that hurts them most is the pocket (including Jehovah) it is inappropriate to buy their products and go to their stores and to the stores, supermarkets, restaurants, etc., that have relations with them or are owned by them"
"...question the existence in Venezuela of educational institutions for Jews only"
"...Public, massive, periodic concentrations not only in front of the Israeli embassy but also in front of all Jewish institutions"
"Detect and watch, by the intelligence entities of the State and by the social comptroller of the organized peoples, the undercover agents of Mossad and NGOs and other groups of the so called civil society (including the filthy ("escuálidos") students of the private and autonomous universities) that have received advise and financing from the artificial state of israel,"
"Purge the government institutions of those filthy officials, that with or without the red beret act in favor of the interests of Zionist groups located in our country."
"Nationalization of the companies and confiscation of the assets of the Zionist jews that support the excesses of the nazi fascist state of israel and the immediate donation of said assets to the Palestinians, victims of the present holocaust."
- from ¿Cómo apoyar a Palestina frente al estado artificial de israel? (Translation: How to help Palestine against the artificial state of Israel), January 20, 2009.

Another article criticized the Simon Wiesenthal Center for protesting the police raid of a Jewish children's school. Journalist Afif Tajeldine claimed in his article, A Zionist Challenge to Venezuela, that: was farcical that this "instrument of international Zionism" [the Wiesenthal Center], pretended to defend the Jewish people. The Zionists had succeeded in segregating the Jewish people from the rest of the world and turning a religious nation-state into a bastion of capitalism. "We must remove the masque of Zionism and reveal it as a grotesque, racist, egoistic, segregationist philosophy and the government of the State of Israel as a terrorist state responsible for the new Palestinian holocaust.

Journalist Kathy Saide writes of the developing problem in Venezuela (Kristallnacht in Caracas):

Observers like the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Latin America expert Andres Oppenheimer cite "a well-orchestrated [anti-Semitic] campaign" that has been taking place on Venezuela's government sponsored radio and television stations, newspapers and websites such as Aporrea. Stoking anti-Semitic fervor, such outlets frequently compare Israel to Nazi Germany and denounce "international Jewish conspiracies."

The Anti-Defamation League has a listing of other anti-Semitic outrages published on Aporrea.Org

The question arises: is the Martin Sanchez who founded the website and is still listed as its official registrant, the Consul General for Venezuela in San Francisco? If so, when he was granted accreditation to serve as a diplomat in America was there any knowledge of his involvement in promoting antisemitism?

Certainly we can understand why Hugo Chavez might reward and promote a man who has been active in anti-Semitic agitprop. My sources, who are active in anti-Chavez efforts, have indicated that they believe that the Martin Sanchez who served as the Consul General in Chicago and now serves in that capacity in San Francisco is the same man who is behind Aporea.Org. They also believe it was his Aporrea.Org work that holds him in good stead with Chavez.

Has anyone in the State Department, the ADL, the Jewish community of San Francisco, or the Congressional delegation from California (including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, in whose district the diplomat is posted) inquired about the mysterious Martin Sanchez?

Alek Boyd, an advocate of the Venezuelan people, has just sent us documentary proof that indicates that Martin Sanchez, the Consular General of San Francisco, is the same Martin Sanchez who served in the as Consul General in Chicago. Here is a video of Sanchez (captioned identifies him as the CG in San Francisco) . Here is a video of Martin Sanchez-Consul General of Chicago. Clearly the same person.

Here is more proof that the same person seems to be the man responsible for Aporrea.Org:

Somebody awfully similar to Martin Sanchez appeared next to Chavez on a balcony in front of Chavez supporters. Is it the same man?

Ed Lasky is news editor of American Thinker.

American Thinker 2008

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

The beginning of the end is setting in for Hugo Chavez

Closing In On Hugo Chávez

The beginning of the end is setting in for Hugo Chávez.

The authoritarian Venezuelan president is holding a referendum tomorrow on a constitutional change that would allow him to run for president indefinitely. Pollsters say Chávez leads slightly, but the election ismostly irrelevant. Barring an oil miracle, the former army paratrooperis slowly being undone by his economic mismanagement and corruption, like any of a number of populist strongmen before him.

Oil prices may recover somewhat from their current lows of around $40 a barrel, but not soon and not anywhere near the more than $80 a barrel thatChávez needs to stave off a major currency devaluation that would stoke rampaging inflation and food shortages. His is a chronicle of a political death foretold, an old story that ended in most of LatinAmerica in the 1980s but that Chávez and too many Venezuelans chose tore visit.

There is a lesson here for the new Obama administration. It should not engage Chávez in public quarreling and certainly should not work privately against him inside Venezuela. Both approaches are afool's errands, ones that leftover Cold War warriors foisted on GeorgeW. Bush during his first term. The clever Chávez verbally made Bush into a laughing stock south of the border and badly damaged hemispheric trust in the United States when the Bush administration seemed to endorse a 2002 coup against Chávez that failed.

Obama should merely ignore Chávez and let Venezuelans take care of him. Much is made of how Chávez is a troublemaker who has enlisted Bolivia, Ecuador,Nicaragua, Honduras and Cuba in an anti-American leftist alliance. Whocares? None of these small countries is a threat or wants to be. Thereis no Soviet Union to use them as a platform, and Chinese dabbling in the hemisphere is purely commercial.

History is also a guide. Two Venezuelan dictators in the past century made similar constitutional changes to be reelected, and both were overthrown a year later -- the last one in 1958, beginning the democratic cycle that led to Chávez. In 10 years as president, however, Chávez has been a poster boy for"illiberal democracy," using majority votes, mostly from the poor and uneducated, to gut the country's Congress and courts, shut down independent media, and nationalize many industries.

Chávez lost asimilar referendum 14 months ago. For this coming vote, he has resorted to 1930s fascist tactics of fomenting insecurity -- and then rising inthe polls. His supporters have thrown tear-gas bombs at the homes of opponents (and even at the Vatican mission), attacked demonstrators, and singled out opposition student leaders as Jewish, creating aclimate in which a synagogue was desecrated two weeks ago. Now Chávez campaigns as the alternative to this chaos.

To be sure, Chávez has some genuine support. He has halved the rate of extreme poverty ina country that has long been badly run and cursed by the popularirresponsibility common to so many oil countries. With oil largess,Chávez built schools and hospitals for the poor and led the country ina consumption boom. But crime and corruption boomed, too, and he built nothing economically sustainable.

As Christopher Sabatini of the Americas Society in New York says: "The global economy is passing Chávez by, and sadly for him and all the leftists who saw in him an antidote to globalization, their Bolivarian dreams are about to end with the collapse of the one source of their power: oil."

Inflation in Venezuela is running at 31 percent, by far the highest in Latin America, and is expected to hit 45 percent this year. The official exchange rate is 2.15 bolivares to the dollar, but the black market is at more than 5 bolivares, a gap so large that the government will have no choice but to devalue the currency, which will cause local prices to rise still more. The government has enough reserves for the next year to continue subsidizing food prices, but that has caused food shortages. And the government is so far behind on payments to oil contractors that many have stopped working, cutting back production from the goose that lays the golden eggs. Oil accounts for 95 percentof Venezuela's exports.

This is a familiar picture. It has led to chaos and coups in Latin America. Chávez's opponents, many of them young, say they want to defeat him fairly in the next elections, scheduled in 2012. They may not have the luxury of his lasting thatlong.

Edward Schumacher-Matos is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group. His e-mail address is

Saturday, February 14, 2009; A19

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tear gas fired on Vatican office in Venezuela

CARACAS, Venezuela (CNN) -- Three tear gas canisters were fired Wednesday at the Vatican's diplomatic headquarters in Venezuela, the second such attack in less than three weeks, church officials and local media reports said.

No one was reported injured, and damage was minimal.

The incident occurred just hours after the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, which includes Catholics, issued a proclamation condemning a recent attack on the main synagogue in Caracas, Venezuela.

In that incident, about 15 armed men forced their way into the Mariperez Synagogue about 10 p.m. Friday and defaced the administrative offices with anti-Semitic graffiti and vandalized an interior room where the Torah is kept. Graffiti left at the scene included the phrases, "Damn the Jews," "Jews out of here" and "Israel assassins." The men also left behind a picture of a devil, authorities said.

The synagogue had canceled services in recent weeks because of a feared backlash from the now-concluded Israeli military operations in Gaza, which led to the expulsions of the Israeli and Venezuelan ambassadors to each country.

The Vatican office in Caracas previously came under attack January 19, when six tear gas canisters were fired. Three of them landed deep inside the building, but no one was seriously injured.

Two other tear gas attacks were reported that day, one at the home of a private TV station director critical of the government and another at the University of Central Venezuela. That attack came as a student leader whose car had been torched two days earlier held a news conference to denounce violence.

The student leader, Ricardo Sanchez, leads a movement opposed to a constitutional amendment on the ballot this month that would allow leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to run for a third consecutive six-year term in 2012. The National Assembly approved the referendum last month. Venezuelans narrowly rejected a similar measure in a December 2007 referendum.

Chavez called for the referendum in late November, one week after candidates he supported won a majority of the seats in local elections that were seen as a test of his influence.

Meanwhile, no one claimed responsibility for Wednesday's attack at the Vatican office, unlike the other two attacks.

This was the seventh attack on the the nunciature. CNN affiliate Globovision TV said after the previous attack that it was the sixth.

Globovision aired video Wednesday that showed spent canisters on the sidewalk outside the Vatican office.

In January, a group calling itself Colectiva la Piedrita, which is said to support Chavez's socialist agenda, claimed responsibility for the attack on the Vatican office. Pamphlets left outside the building accused the Catholic Church of treason against the Venezuelan people.

The Vatican Nunciature in Caracas has been giving asylum since June to Nixon Moreno, a Venezuelan student leader accused of attempting to rape a policewoman and wounding several police officers in a 2006 shootout. Venezuela has not granted Moreno safe passage to leave the country, and he remains holed up in the Nunciature.

Colectiva la Piedrita also previously claimed responsibility for similar attacks against Globovision, the homes of two journalists, the newspaper El Nuevo Pais and the headquarters for the Christian socialist party COPEI, Globovision said on its Web site

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Killer Chic

This is sad...... the people that likes "Che" Guevara doesn't know that he was a killer.


Killer Chic.

See the video here:

Gisele Bundchen wears him on the runway, Johnny Depp wears him around his neck, and Benicio Del Toro becomes him in the new, highly acclaimed, two-part epic film from Steven Soderbergh, Che. Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the revolutionary who helped found communist Cuba, is the celebrity that celebrities adore. And be it Madonna, Rage Against the Machine, or Jay-Z, musicians really dig Che.
It’s something that baffles Cuban jazz legend Paquito D’Rivera. “Che hated artists, so how is it possible that artists still today support the image of Che Guevara?” Turns out the rebellious icon that emblazons countless T-shirts actually enforced aesthetic and political conformity. D’Rivera explains that Che and other Cuban authorities sought to ban rock and roll and jazz.
“Che was an inspiration for me,” D’Rivera tells “I thought I have to get out of this island as soon as I can, because I am in the wrong place at the wrong time!” D’Rivera did escape Cuba, and so far he’s won nine Grammy awards playing the kind of music Che tried to silence. But D’Rivera says Che’s crimes didn’t end with censorship. “He ordered the execution of many people with no trial.” Che served as Castro’s chief executioner, presiding over the infamous La Cabana prison. D’Rivera says Che’s policy of killing innocents earned him the nickname—the Butcher of La Cabana.
“We’re rightly horrified by fascist murderers like Adolph Hitler,” says’s Nick Gillespie. “Why aren’t we also horrified by communist killers?” Certainly, Che’s body count isn’t anywhere near Hitler’s. But what about someone Che idolized, someone whom he might have liked to wear on his chest?
“Che, Castro, all the communist regimes idolized only one thing that Mao personifies—violence.” Kai Chen grew up in China under the reign of Mao Zedong. Although he won gold medals for China’s national basketball team, Chen’s was far from the celebrity life of an NBA star. Says Chen, “You have no right to talk, and you have no right to think.”
The punishment for questioning Mao’s authority was often death. The Black Book of Communism estimates that Mao is responsible for the deaths of 65 million people—a figure that dwarfs even Hitler’s body count. “Mao is a murderer,” says Chen. “The biggest mass murderer in human history.”
And yet, like Che, Mao’s image is becoming an increasingly popular way to move merchandise. You can buy Mao t-shirts, mugs, caps—you name it. Near Chen’s Los Angeles home there’s even a restaurant called Mao’s Kitchen. “Can you imagine a restaurant called Hitler’s Kitchen?” asks Gillespie.
Neither D’Rivera nor Chen understands why communist killers are considered Chic, but each finds his own way to have the last laugh on these anti-capitalist icons.
"Killer Chic" is written and produced by Ted Balaker. Director of Photography is Alex Manning.
Closing music, "Che Guevara T-Shirt Wearer," courtesy of The Clap. Listen to the whole song here.
