Saturday, January 21, 2012

Electoral Fraud in Venezuela

The Electoral Fraud that happened in Nicaragua could happen in Venezuela this October 2012, during our presidential elections. What can we do before this happens? Can the international community help us?
Let us know if you can help, and how.
Rosalba Guerra

November 26th, 2011
IFES 1850 K Street,
NW Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20006

The purpose of this letter is to ask for advice on what we could we do as Venezuelans about a fraudulent electoral system. The mission of your organization is “electoral assistance and democracy promotion”, so it seems that your organization is the right place to start.
We are hundreds of Venezuelans living overseas that worry about our Electoral System. We have different backgrounds and political views, but we all agree that Venezuela needs a transparent electoral system.
After we saw what happened in Nicaragua last November 6th, where Daniel Ortega won the election, some groups are saying that the elections were fraudulent and the OAS – Organization of American States – has said nothing important related with that issue, we are worried that the Power of money and Politics, in this case the Power of Hugo Chavez in the OAS, has not allowed the OAS to talk against all the abuse that Daniel Ortega committed before and during the elections. As Andres Oppenheimer wrote, the OAS made a bad “error” in Nicaragua (1): “What was most surprising about Nicaragua’s election on Sunday was not that President Daniel Ortega was reelected after a highly questionable electoral process, but that his victory got a seemingly unconditional blessing from 34-country Organization of American States chief Jose Miguel Insulza.” To start with Daniel Ortega should have never been a candidate in the Nicaraguan elections: Andres Oppenheimer(1) wrote: “in a near surreal maneuver, after failing to win enough votes in Congress to overturn the constitutional mandate, Ortega took advantage of a solidly loyal Supreme Court in 2009 to win a ruling declaring the constitutional ban unconstitutional.
We agree with the following statement from ESDATA in it’s report “The Systematic Annihilation of the Right to Vote in Venezuela” (3): It can be correctly stated that the CNE (4) is neither impartial nor transparent and does not guarantee confidence in ballot secrecy, and that contrary to the spirit of the constituent assembly that drafted the 1999 constitution, the selection of its directors was politicized and established with a governmental majority inflicting irreparable damage to the institution of voting.
We would like to go to Washington and have a meeting with someone in your organization who can assist give us with some guidance on what we should do as Venezuelan–Americans worried on how to mitigate fraud in our next elections.


Rosalba Guerra Janet Goitia Edgar Sanchez Colorado State Coordinator Orvex Member


(4)CNE or the Venezuelan Electoral National Council

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