Thursday, May 8, 2014

Posible sancionados por el Gobierno de USA

Posibles sancionados por el gobierno de US:
Luisa Ortega Díaz
Gabriela Ramírez
Luis Alberto Coronel
Miguel Vivas Landín
Francisco Rangel Gómez
Henry Rangel Silva
Cmdte José Manuel La Guardia
Sergio Rivero dir.operaciones
Antonio Benavides
Franklin García Duque
Arqquímedes Herrera Ruso
Manuel Quevedo Colmenares
Ministro Miguel Rodríguez Torres
Vice min: Marcos Rojas Figueroa
Manuel  Pérez Urdaneta
Manuel Gregorio Bernal
Diosdado Cabello
Vielma Mora

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Carta de los venezolanos a los Senadores M. Bennet and M. Udall de Colorado


Venezolanos entregaran carta a los senadores en Colorado, para que apoyen la defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Venezuela, y a la sociedad civil venezolana. (2)
Venezolanos - Americanos en Denver le entregaran una carta a los senadores Michael Bennet y Mark Udall para que apoyen el Bill S. 2142 – “Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014”; defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Venezuela, y una ley a favor de la sociedad civil venezolana. Este propuesta incluye que se aprueben sanciones a los que han cometido violaciones de Derechos Humanos después del 12 de Febrero del 2014, cuando comenzaron estas demostraciones pacificas.

El próximo jueves, 8 de Mayo, a las 10:00 am EDT, el comité de Relaciones Extranjeras (Foreign Relations Committee) se reunirá para analizar la crisis en Venezuela y las represiones violentas a demostraciones pacificas, por parte del régimen de Maduro. Entre los participantes en este panel estarán: Roberta Jacobson – Asistente a la Secretaria de Estado norteamericano, Moises Naim – del Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Jose Miguel Vivanco – director de Human Rights Watch, Patrick Duddy – fue embajador en Venezuela por Estados Unidos. (1)

La carta será entregada:
Senador: Michael Bennet
Dia: 06 de Mayo del 2014
Hora: 3:00pm
Direccion: 1127 Sherman St., Suite 150; Denver, Colorado 80203

Senador: Mark Udall
Dia: 06 de Mayo del 2014
Hora: 4:00pm
Direccion: 999 18th Street, Suite 1525, North Tower; Denver, CO 80202

Le pedimos a la comunidad en Denver que nos apoyen en la defensa de derechos humanos en Venezuela, y soporten esta solicitud a nuestros senadores en Colorado.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

TalCual: The Venezuelan Supreme Court Blew it

The Supreme Court's actions may increase the already painful numbers this crisis is costing us: besides making the already awful economic data look more abhorrent each day, the Court's decisions will likely encourage more protests and repression and therefore, the toll of victims will rise. The TSJ blew it, no doubt about it. 
By TalCual
CARACAS -- As has already been expressed by a lot of people who know Constitutional Law, the Supreme Court (TSJ) blew it regarding its decision curtailing the right to protest peacefully. We would also like to lay stress on how brutally inappropriate it was to give Hermann Escarrá the last word regarding this matter, especially in times of delicate peace talks when things needed to cool off in Venezuela.
We already know how and what the Supreme Court (TSJ) blew -- just remember that famous expression of the late Hugo Chávez when the same court ruled that the April 11, 2002 coup d'état was no such thing but a power vacuum, because of that mysterious resignation of the president that never took place in the end.
What we cannot stop saying is that the TSJ -- in cutthroat competition for the position -- has proved to be the most submissive of all public powers to the orders coming from the Miraflores presidential palace – the Ombudsman's Office doesn't count because it is body of questionable existence. The Court even went so far with Justice Luisa Estella Morales, assisted by constitutionalist lawyer Carlos Escarrá, "theorizing" that Montesquieu and his separation of powers were a "bourgeois waste," while speaking about a new endogenous conception of justice.
Many of the exploits of these two could be listed here, but it would be impossible in only a few characters. Let's just evoke them publically chanting their slogans in unison -- "Ooh, aah, Chavez no se va! (Ooh, aah, Chavez doesn't leave!) -- to show their passionate devotion to the Government in the meantime.
Or recall the heroes of their own such as former TSJ Justices Luis Velásquez Alvaray or the ineffable Eladio Aponte Aponte (who, seeking asylum in the US, has admitted judging cases as directed by Chavez the regime or for taking bribes and drug money to decide cases in the absence of official direction), among others. And lastly, the Court's latest affronts where they do or endorsing quick trials without having the slightest respect for due process, in which a parliamentarian and two mayors from the opposition coalition have been unfairly removed from office.
As has already been expressed by a lot of people who know of case law on the violation of the Constitution as to curtailing the citizens' right to protest peacefully along with, by the way, the distortion of the nature and functions of municipal police forces, we won't insist on this issue; instead, we recommend in this regard the comprehensive analysis made by Provea, or the Venezuelan Program of Education and Action on Human Rights.
But what we are going to lay stress on is how wrong it was to have given Escarrá the last word regarding this matter in times of delicate peace talks when things need to cool off in Venezuela, to the extent that the brave students protesting out in the streets were asked to become part of the negotiating table. And they were asked nicely, not by the repressive ways used by the Government over the past few months.
It must be stressed that being called a "murderer of students" is not very flattering for any government; what is more, this sounds like its own funeral if one takes a small look back at the history of our country. And what the TSJ just ruled does nothing but challenge and encourage protesters to remain in the streets.
Some of the backers of this ruling are, for instance, Jorge Rodríguez, a mayor who considers the Libertador municipality of Caracas his own private property, where only followers of chavismo are allowed in.
Last Friday, by the way, a small peaceful demonstration of bioanalysts, professionals that just wanted to be heard on the almost total lack of inputs for their work and what might entail serious consequences for the health and lives of thirty million Venezuelans, curiously coincided with the launch of this new legislation in that municipality. And it's worth mentioning that kind of petition is more than justified.
Lastly, there are even some reasons to believe the TSJ may pull the plug on the ongoing peace talks. And that way increase those already painful numbers this crisis is costing us: besides making the already awful economic data look more abhorrent each day, it will likely encourage more protests and repression and therefore, the toll of victims will rise. The TSJ blew it, no doubt about it.

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