Sunday, June 3, 2007

Venezuela Si !! -- Cubazuela NO !!!

Venezuela Si !! -- Cubazuela NO !!!
May 30, 2007
Dear Friends:
Please be reminded of this article sent to you recently and pass it on to Venezuelan friends with a request that they use its rationale and language to begin using the slogan of "Venezuela, Si !! -- Cubazuela, NO !!!" on the streets in Caracas and all across the world.
Continued good wishes,
Jim Guirard

"CUBAZUELA" -- New Castroite Face of "Death to America" Terrorism
Author: Jim Guirard
Source: -- Feb. 5, 2007
A major January 27, 2007 editorial in the Washington Post, which is normally oblivious to Leftist threats to US national security, was entitled "Venezuela's Satellites." Correctly, it painted a dangerous picture of the rabid anti-Americanism which has spread in recent years from communist Cuba to three neo-Socialist regimes in South and Central America.
With Castro's Cuba still serving as their ideological base but with Hugo Chavez's Venezuela now serving as the BIG OIL financier of this fascist-Left foursome, the Post's editorial might better have been titled "Cubazuela's Empire" -- comprised of the Cuban motherland and the copy-cat (and the newly renamed) client states of Hugo Chavez's Cubazuela, Daniel Ortega's Cubaragua and Evo Morales' Cubalivia.
Even in normal times this would be worrisome news. But far worse during a Global War on Terrorism is the fact is that all of these Castroite regimes have brotherly "Death to America" relationships with the murderous likes of Iran, Syria, North Korea, al Qaeda, Hizballah and every other anti-Western entity on the planet. And add to this dark cloud the large weapons purchases now being made from both Russia and China, as well.
As "President For Life" Fidel Castro prepares to exit the scene after almost 50 years of single-party tyranny, he leaves a 70-percent Black Cuban dystopia of egalitarian poverty and silent suffering -- except, of course, for his and half-brother Raul's communist nomenclatura (Party bigwigs) whose all-White governing junta is still the Soviet era Politburo.
And as Fidel's "People's Paradise" baton is passed to Comrade Chavez, Horrible Hugo's own "Socialism or Death" and "President for Life" and "Death to America" and "Bush is the Devil" rantings are setting the scene for his people to suffer exactly the same torments that a half century of fascist-Left Fidelismo has brought to the Cuban people.
Eye-opener -- The Cuba-Chile Comparison
The extent of this socio-economic and civil liberties tragedy for the Cuban people since 1960 can best be understood by a detailed comparison between what has happened in Cuba and in Chile during these almost five decades.
From a roughly equal standing in most relevant factors (gross national product, personal income, housing, retirement security, property ownership, capital investment, human rights, manufacturing, agriculture, trade and commerce, etc.) a free-enterprise and quasi-welfare-state Chile has achieved three or four times the socio-economic well-being of a "socialism or death" Cuba.
Those naïve souls who excuse this half century of brutality and deprivation by citing Cuba's grassroots literacy program and broad-based (but largely rudimentary) health services should be forced to admit that two of Nazi Germany's major prewar energizers involved the lockstep efficient education of "Hitler Youth" and the physical fitness of the entire German population -- all the better to serve the anticipated "Thousand Year Reich," of course.
As Dr. Enrique Canton and Dr. Sergio de Paz of the Florida-based Commission of Studies for the Freedom of Cuba have observed: "... education and health are used in the island-prison as implacable instruments of ideological, mental and psychological control of the unfortunate citizens."
These same deadly comparisons will in due course apply to a socialist and increasingly "communoid" (communist-like) Cubazuela, as well -- though the process of deterioration will be masked and somewhat delayed by that former democracy's enormous "nationalized" income from oil exports.
Finally, there is an easy way to confirm both the accuracy and the street-corner viability of the new "Cubazuela" label for this rapidly disappearing Latino democracy -- which is even now being ruled almost entirely (and "legally" so, according to a unanimous vote of the lap-dog Congress) by Presidential Fiat, which is nothing but a euphemism for dictatorship.
Simply take time to Google-search the new label and observe how persuasively and how widely it is already spreading in both English-language and Latino commentary.
Contributing Editor Jim Guirard was longtime Chief of Staff to former US Senators Allen Ellender and Russell Long. His new TrueSpeak Institute is devoted to truth-in-language and truth-in-history in public discourse. and


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